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Gwen Hammerschmidt's Profile


Gwen Hammerschmidt

Social Studies

profile pic

Contact Info:


Work Phone:

316-444-2607 ex.2323

Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

I attended Hays High School.  I went on to graduate from Kansas State University.  Go Cats!!

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in History with a minor in Business

Teacher Certification from Fort Hays State University

G Suite for Education Experts Member, Google

National Teacher Council Member, Bill of Rights Institute

Current Position:

This is my seventh year teaching at Andale High School.  I teach American History and World Issues.  I am also the National Honor Society Sponsor.

Previous Position:

Before coming to Andale, I taught for 12 years at Trego Community High School in WaKeeney, KS.  There I taught American History, Government, and World History.

Personal Information:

I love to travel and explore different cities and cultures.  So far, I have visited London, Paris, Venice, Florence, and Rome.